• +607 863 6729 / 863 7237
  • info@tbssb.com

Machine Retrofiting

Adding Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities

IoT devices can be deployed on the production floor to collect data from various sources, including machines, sensors, and even wearable devices. These devices communicate wirelessly and transmit data to a central system for analysis. IoT enables real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making.

Existing Machine

By maintaining the current machine without modifying machine stock program


Component to get data from machine.

Output / Cycle

Performance of machine.



Mathods of Data Collection
Data Ownership
  • Physical Layer

Sensors on the Internet of Things (IoT) means that data can be tracked in every step of product creation, manufacturing, and delivery.

  • Cloud

Through cloud computing, data can be stored, processed, and queried from almost anywhere.

  • Devices

Smart gadgets allow managers to view this information from the factory floor from anywhere.

Our Real Life Projects

Indah Water Treatment Pond

Wastewater discharge monitoring is desirable for the following reasons: To assure responsible regulatory agencies of the manufacturers’ compliance with the effluent requirements and implementation schedule set forth in the discharge permit. To maintain sufficient control of in-plant operations to prevent violations of permit specifications To develop necessary data for the design and operation of wastewater treatment facilities.

Motor RPM Monitoring

The objective is to monitor RPM and protect if the induction motor parameters such as voltage, current, temperature and speed are exceeded above the normal value without using any sensor.

Robotic Palletizing

Low payload high volume

Proton Plant Material Handling System

Automated material handling system for Proton plant

Output count

Pharmaceutical System

Pharmaceutical system, pallet deduster for Biocon SILC

Output count Output count

Output Count

IoT system uses sensors to count production throughput and provide real-time information about the actual output status to the production team

Temperature Panel Temperature Panel

Monitor Machine Temperature

Measuring the temperature of the materials in the tank while it is mixing. Because the materials are easily affected by the air. IIoT system transmits the measuring data of the thermocouple to the cloud server

Weighing control

Silo Weighing System

Weighing process control implemented at material tanks

Weighing Panel


weighing control panel for Tank weighing process control

Kindly contact us for more applications that you are interested in...